
An immersive and interactive tower defense game to learn about the immunity system

We created an exciting tower defense game to learn about the immunity system set in a vibrant, cartoonish VR environment over the course of two weeks.

Players placed immune system cells and strategically deployed T-cell weapons to fend off waves of attacking bacteria and viruses.

We unfortunately didn’t capture many visuals of the project (just know that we designed some awesome shaders to create a kid-friendly aesthetic that we were really proud of). (You can glimpse at the silhouette of some of the cells I modelled in the poster above).

Check out a sample of the visuals with this cool natural killer cell designed by our teammate, Edouard, here.

I’ll update this page with more project materials if they become available.

Tiffany Luong
Tiffany Luong

My research is focused on studying user experience using objective indicators (e.g., physiological signals) in VR to understand human cognition and improve human-computer interaction.
